The health office is not a replacement for your usual provider (MD, NP, PA) or emergency services. If this is a medical emergency please call your provider or 911!
24-Hour Help Lines
- If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, call the NM Department of Health Hotline at 1-855-600-3453.
- If you feel you are in emotional or mental health crisis, contact the NM Crisis Line at 1-855-662-7474 (1-855-NMCRISIS).
A few things to remember:
- We will call or send a note home with your student every time your child visits our office.
- If your child is sick, please keep them home until they have been fever free for 24 hours without medication.
- Notify us if your child needs to take any medication while at school. This includes inhalers, Epi-Pens, ibuprofen, etc.
- We will ask you to pick up your child if they have a fever, are actively vomiting or if they have diarrhea.
Health Screenings
Vision, hearing, height and weight screenings and dental checks are part of our state school health program. The Health Office will conduct the following screenings:
- Kindergarten and new students: vision, hearing, height, weight & dental
- 1st Grade: vision
- 3rd Grade: vision, height, weight & dental
All screenings will be completed before winter break.
If you do not want your child to be participate in health screenings, please notify the Health Office in writing at the beginning of the school year.Our goal in the SY Jackson Health Office is to minimize the amount of school your child misses due to illness, chronic conditions such as diabetes or asthma, or injury.
Contact Information
- Lynne Thomas
School Nurse
Phone: (505) 296-9536 option 3 or ext 36804 or ext 36815
Health Resources & Forms
Virtual Learning
How to Contact Us During Virtual Learning:
We are working remotely during virtual learning but can be reached by email or phone during school hours Monday - Friday. Our contact information is on the left under Health Office Staff. Please leave a message on the Health Office phone, voicemail is checked several times daily during school hours.
Please continue to let us know if your student has a new health condition, even while APS in in remote learning.
Join us at our virtual office hour every Monday from 9:30am-10:30am with your school health related questions through Google Meet.
COVID-19 Resources
- APS Coronavirus Information Website
- NMDOH COVID-19 Information Website
- NM Crisis and Access Line
- NASN - Wearing Cloth Face Coverings video
- NASN - Washing Your Hands Video
- APS - When is Sick Too Sick for School? APS youtube video
- APS School Based Health Centers
- APS ¿Cuando Está Demasiado Enfermo Su Hijo(a) para Ir a la Escuela?
- CDC - Cover your Cough poster (PDF)
- CDC - FLU - Talking to Children About Flu (PDF)
- CDC Handwashing Poster (PDF)
- NASN - Lavarse las Manos - Handwashing - Spanish video
- NASN - Usar una Cubierta de Tela para la Cara - Face Covering - Spanish video